Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics
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Taking Action Book Study: Chapter 8 (Cohort A)
Tuesday, April 06, 2021, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM MST
Category: CCTM Book Study

Taking Action Book Study: Chapter 8 (Cohort A)

Taking Action Chapter 8 promo graphicChapter 8, "Elicit and Use Evidence of Student Thinking," argues that student thinking is elicited when teachers ask students to explain or justify their response to a task in writing or orally. In this month's book study, participants will discuss how to ask questions that build on student learning and choose high demand tasks that elicit student thinking.

The objectives of the Taking Action book study are:

  • To increase teacher's understanding of the key features of the eight effective mathematics teaching practices
  • To examine how the teaching practices interact as a framework for equitable mathematics instruction
  • To recognize how the teaching practices support deeper learning of mathematics
  • To provide a variety of actives, strategies, and resources to assist teachers in applying the ideas discussed in the book to their own practices.

Workshop Agenda:

  1. 15 minutes of reflection
  2. 30-40 minutes on the Analyzing Teaching and Learning (ATL)
  3. 15 minutes Focus on Equity
  4. 12-20 minutes- Taking Action- How am I taking what I learned back to my classroom?

Homework Assignments

  1. Read
  2. Take action in classroom- gather an artifact
  3. Participate on the course discussion board 
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