February 2024 Message from the Board
Written by Dr. Mary Pittman, CCTM President
This month our board message is by Dr. Mary Pittman, our President. In her message, Mary discusses the upcoming CCTM Institute and Nominations for the CCTM Board.

Anyone else wondering where all the time went? It is already the end of February, meaning we are two months into 2024 and well into the 2023-2024 school year. Spring break is right around the corner and before we know it, it will be the end of the school year and with it our CCTM 2024 Institute. The board is excited to share that the NCTM President Kevin Dykema will be coming to Colorado to facilitate our learning with a focus on supporting productive struggle in the mathematics classroom. Stay tuned for more information and save the dates of June 13-14. Be ready to register quickly because space will be limited.
Ever wonder what it takes to be part of the CCTM board? Now is a great chance to find out. Serving on the CCTM board provides an opportunity to collaborate with math leaders from across the state and give back to the Colorado math education community. Over the last few years, the focus of the CCTM board has been to ensure Colorado educators feel valued and successful as teachers of mathematics. This provides the foundation for a board that is full of fun, energy, and passion for math education. CCTM has quite a few positions open this year. We are taking nominations for President-elect, Vice President, Secretary, and Representatives for Region 2 and 5 (see region map). CCTM will be accepting nominations for these positions until April 5th. Consider nominating yourself or a colleague.
Speaking of elections, our very own Dr. Joseph Bolz, current treasurer for the CCTM, is running for the Board of Directors for High Schools for the NCTM (National Council for Teachers of Mathematics). His dedication to Colorado his past 5 years on the CCTM board has been outstanding, from his work as treasurer in celebrating teachers with promotional items like T-shirts and water bottles to partnering with many educational companies in order to bring Colorado amazing opportunities to learn and grow. I have no doubt he will serve us all well on the Board of NCTM. In addition, Denver will be hosting the 2026 NCTM annual meeting - having Joe on the Board for that conference will be a tremendous asset. Please consider voting for Dr. Joseph Bolz for the NCTM Board of Directors.
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