February 2023 Upcoming Events, Celebrations, Happenings and Opportunities (ECHO)
Upcoming CCTM Events:
CCTM Elections
Are you interested in becoming more involved with CCTM and serving the Colorado math community? This spring, CCTM will be holding elections to choose representatives for Region 1, Region 4, Region 7, and NCTM Representative. Region representatives must live or work in the region for which they are running.
Save the following dates!
The NCSM Summer Leadership Academy will be June 26-28, 2023, in Aurora, Colorado, hosted by Cherry Creek School District. Additionally, a CCTM event will be held on June 29, 2023.
Spring Professional Learning Series
CCTM has secured two amazing professional learning sessions for March and April and is in the process of setting up additional sessions for the spring semester. Keep an eye on your inbox for registration information coming soon!
Future CCTM newsletters and virtual professional learning series:
Are you interested in writing for an upcoming CCTM newsletter, or do you have something to share in our virtual learning series? Send us an email at [email protected] to let us know what you would like to share and in what format.
Additional Math Celebrations and Opportunities:
Math on the Planes
Math on the Planes is back for 2023 with this year's workshop on Friday, February 24th (4:00-7:30 pm) and Saturday the 25th (8:30 am - 3:30 pm) at Denver Academy. The facilitator this year is Dr. Mindy Adair and the title is "Making Mathematics Meaningful by Expanding Your Identity as a Mathematician." A schedule and registration information is available on the CCLD website at https://www.cocld.org/motp-2023/.
NCTM Virtual Conference
The NCTM 2023 Virtual Conference will be held from March 29 through April 1. The theme for this year’s virtual conference is Amplify & Activate in and Beyond the Classroom, and the live sessions during the week are scheduled for the evening as to allow greater participation from classroom teachers. Member, nonmember, and group registrations are available with discounts for registering by the March 1 early bird deadline.
NCTM MTLT Journal Club
Did you know that NCTM hosts a monthly journal club to discuss articles from Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12? The next meeting is February 7 at 5 pm MST where the group will explore “Making the Most of Universal Design for Learning”. Click HERE for more information about this meeting and to find the schedule of meetings for the spring semester.
Colorado MathCounts
The Colorado MathCounts program is looking for volunteers to proctor competition rooms and score answer sheets. Regional competitions occur during the month of February, and the state competition is in March. Potential volunteers should visit the Colorado MathCounts website at http://mathcounts.coloradomath.org/ and e-mail the coordinator shown for the competition in which they are interested. The website indicates the competition dates and locations, note the Metro Denver competition will be held on Saturday, February 4, so act fast!
2023 MidSchoolMath National Conference
The MidSchoolMath National Conference will be held March 3-4 in Santa Fe, New Mexico and features both Jo Boaler and José Luis Vilson.
Implementing the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice
NCTM has partnered with the University of Michigan School of Education to produce eight online, practice-based modules designed for teams of teachers to develop the capacity to support students' learning to enact the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Built on theories of practice-based professional development, every module includes opportunities to engage with scenarios of mathematics instruction, collectively learn to identify critical moves for supporting the standards, practice critical moves with their own students, and share their practice with peers and facilitators in order to receive feedback for improvement. The first course is covers SMPs 1, 3, and 6 and runs from February 6th to May 1. The second course covers SMPs 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8 and runs from May 1 to September 18. Additional details and registration information can be found on the NCTM website.
Save the Date: 2023 Teaching and Learning CoLabs
The Teaching and Learning CoLabs will return this June with day-long professional learning events in Grand Junction (June 1), Greeley (June 14), and Pueblo (June 23). More information will be forthcoming! To look back at last year's CoLabs, check out the 2022 Review.
Standards Institute
The five-day Standards Institute from UnboundEd will be in Denver June 12-16.
Girls Who Code
The Girls Who Code organization is holding two free, virtual programs for students this summer. In their 2-week Immersion Program for current 9th-11th graders, students will engage in a game design course to learn more about designing user experiences and iterative design with JavaScript. In their 6-week Self-Paced Program for current 9th-12th graders, students will learn to code through independent study and earn beginner-level certificates of completion in HTML, CSS, or JavaScript for web development or intermediate-level certificates in Python for cybersecurity or data science. Students who apply by February 15th will get priority consideration and all applications are due by March 24th.
CMT Journal
Did you know that Colorado has its own peer-reviewed, open access journal published by CCTM? Click HERE to browse Colorado Mathematics Teacher.
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